Creative Faith | Bringing it Back to the Source

Several years ago, I discovered something: Bible Journaling. "Draw and paint in your BIBLE?!?!?" I was no stranger to the arts at the time, but I was so intrigued by digging into the Word in a creative way. I went out to the local KMart and grabbed an Inspire creative Bible and went to it. 

I had fun, but it was kind of stressful in the beginning to be honest. I mean, it's God's Word. 

Little did I know all that would unfold in the coming months and years that would stretch my creativity, and in that, grow my relationship with God and how He would have me create. 

I share a bit more of that experience for you right here, but back to the Bible Journaling. 

God took me to stretching my creativity...developing a practice of creative play in my art journals, building up my mixed media on canvas and altered objects, onto the Scrapaholics design team, selling pieces in shops and building an entire relationship-centered workshop called The Art of Play! 

I never dreamed of any of it, I never thought a personal passion would move so far, but I believe fully that the spirit of all of it - of Him - is what did that. My faith is tightly wound in my creativity and in my message. Even on my canvases, there is often a word or sentiment expressing my faith in God and conveying a message I hope others will receive (like Scrapaholics Faith Word set - guess who that came from? )

While all of my creativity is time well spent with Him and I was still doing plenty of Bible Journaling in an array of other formats, from my prayer journal to Dayspring's 100 Days creative devotional journals...I was getting it in. But I hadn't brought my newfound play back to the source - in an art Bible. 

And I so wanted to. 

I've been following boards on Pinterest and several Youtube channels for some time. A favorite is LindseyDecor AKA Lindsey Lanning. In 2020 with a bit of extra time on our hands, I dove into her years + years + years of amazing video content, followed her on Instagram and became so inspired. 

We all have people who inspire us - I have so many mixed media artists and other creatives I love to watch and learn from! What I discovered about Lindsey, though, is her creative inspiration for all things creative in her faith, in the bible and elsewhere - but also her mixed media style. 

I realized I could totally bring all of what I've picked up over the years back into the Word. 

But my little Inspire Bible with its cute 2 inch margins wasn't going to cut it anymore. It was a crucial beginning, but God has moved me beyond it. I was gifted Dayspring's Illustrating Bible for Christmas and I absolutely love it. This spiral bound HUGE NIV Bible has 4 inch margins, heavy paper for all my media and I have so enjoyed getting back into this. 

You're going to see a lot more. For years I have compartmentalized my creativity for the world and my creative faith too much. Even with my faith being the foundation, I didn't feel my personal time creating with God should be shared. 

I was wrong. This is ALL me. These private creative times I have with God, as well how He has me work a canvas or art journal or even a gift or card for someone - it's all me. It's all His. It's who He made me to be and I believe He wants it all shared with others; it all counts. 

So like I said, we're going to dive into some creative faith on here. If it's not your thing and you prefer the more subdued versions, you don't have to look. We do all have something to glean from one another, though, and I hope the creative faith I share reaches you in some way. 

I probably won't get into process tutorials and how-tos; that isn't my calling in my Bible Journaling and there are loads of talented folks out there already doing that very thing! What I will do is share the journey, the creativity, the messages I receive in that and the prayers I pray with the hopes it will lead you to discover what He wants to show you in that. 

Stay tuned, there is much to see. 

If you're interested in exploring your own creative faith, I highly recommend the following amazing talents I so enjoy receiving encouragement from. They share loads of resources, books, Bibles, tools, etc. I will as well when they come up, but there is no reason to reinvent the wheel...

My favorites to follow...

Lindsey Decor (as mentioned above):
Open Journey (Ingrid Blixt)
Becki Bakersom
Illustrated Faith
Shanna Noel
Bible Journaling Ministries
There are plenty more to share. I encourage you to discover more talents and be encouraged! 

If you want to try it out yourself, there are LOADS of places to get started. The first is doing some research as to what type of Bible you'd like and your comfort level. There are Bibles with illustrations to color in and/or add to, interleaved Bibles with a page between each page of Scripture, the gigantic mamba-jamba I have, the Illustrating Bible. Most of the amazing people I mentioned above have videos about it, but Tracie Rollings with Bible Journaling Ministries has an amazing overview of journaling bibles here

Those early days

Stay tuned to more about my Creative Faith!




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