5 Action Steps to Break Creator's Block

You know you need to get it out...the emotions, the feelings and all of that creativity that's just bubbling up inside.

But where to even start?

If we think about it too long and too much, we can talk ourselves right out of doing anything. I prefer action - doing something about it. So today I'm sharing the 5 things I do when I've got to get something down and bust through the block.

1. Grab some supplies.

Okay, okay - I know that sounds basic, but hear me out - it's more than just that. Go through your stash and pick some supplies that inspire you. Acrylic paints, watercolors, some glue & pretty paper - just grab something.

Never underestimate the treasure you have around your home, either. Expired gift cards or plastic savings cards, a bag of tea in the cupboard or cold coffee left in the post (yes, I'm serious!), washable markers - there are so many things that even I grab just to change things up. I have a pretty huge stash, too.

Don't have a stash? No problem. You don't have to have a lot to get something down. Take a stroll (or scroll) at your local art store. Pick out some paint colors that inspire you, grab some brushes, markers, stickers & whatever else gets you excited.

2. Go to an inspiring space & get comfortable.

I know this seems too basic to include, but it's important enough that it needs mention. Too often I will sit at my desk where I sit almost all of the time to work. And it's boring. Don't get me wrong- I love my space, but when I'm feeling blocked I really need something different.

So gather all of your items in a small basket or bag (don't forget paper towels & water!) and hit the front yard with the kids, sit on the porch, lay a blanket under a tree...you get the idea.

3. Pick 3 colors that you are drawn to right now.

Don't think, just pick. 

What jumps out at you? 

4. Brush some strokes.

Start with your 2 favorites and start laying it down. 

You heard me, lay it down. Brush some strokes, scrape the color on with the edge of your palette knife or card, smear it on with your finger - just get it down. Do this with whatever energy you feel - wavy, swoopy, jagged, pounced; there are no wrong answers. 

The purpose isn't to fill up the page - it's just to get something on the paper. 

5. Layer in some marks.

Grab the last color & add some marks (dab, pounce the brush, slide lines of color on with a hard edge, splatter, etc.). Once your paint is dry you can do this with a permanent pen or marker, too. Some of my favorite marks to make are circle clusters, big circles, dots. 

Oh, okay - there is a step 6. 


Once your first is done, give it another go on a clean piece of paper. 

The key here is process - you are doing something! End product is NOT the purpose; the purpose is to let the creative energy flow and meet inspiration where it's waiting. 

As I always tell my students, inspiration has a way of playing hard-to-get when you're uninspired.

  It wants you to chase after it like a kid on the playground. Creativity is a lot more fun & exciting when you're on the playground, isn't it? 

Doing something creative is way better than doing nothing, every. single. time. So much so that, while I'm a mixed media artist and not a painter, I do this exercise often in my art journals. 

This is also a large part of the process I do with students in my signature outreach program, the Art of Play, Creative Expression workshops & the challenges we do in my community, Candle & Mirror Creative Haven

I would love to hear from you about how this exercise went for you. Did you get some feelings out? Did you become inspired to create more? 

Let me know in the comments or e-mail me at candleandmirrorcreative@gmail.com - I'd love to hear from you! 

Until next time, much love and many blessings - 


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