Creative Worship | The Breath of God

This piece speaks a very simple reminder to carry out the most basic function of our lives - to breathe. Yet in its utmost simplicity carries in it a message far more profound than meets the eye.

An important message I think we all need - right now.

Several months ago a friend reached out and requested a piece to serve as a reminder to breathe. During a period of struggle and ongoing anxiety, this piece would serve as a focus to simply inhale and exhale.

I don't do commissions anymore unless I immediately envision an outcome, unless the idea is so inspiring I see it completed in my mind upon hearing about it. As soon as I heard the feelings behind the commission I not only saw the outcome, but felt it.

My mind immediately went to my alcohol inks - wisps and swirls of blues and glowing silver. Alcohol inks are one of my favorite mediums for creative play and surrender. As I saturate the background with the inks and solutions and move them around with my airbrush, they swirl and interact and wisp out, creating a mix of bold and subtle blends into one another and the canvas. The experience of creating with them, as well as the result has earned my naming them, "the Breath of God."

Fast forward through a few months - I tried and tried to create this piece. I primed canvas after canvas in size after size, poured out the inks and blew them around...and it just wasn't right.

Until a few weeks ago....

I was sitting in my kitchen one Sunday when I heard the name "YHVH." Also translated to Yahweh, this is one of the names of God in Hebrew. If that isn't fascinating enough, hang with me for a second - I had recently just learned that the pronunciation of YHVH in Hebrew is such that it literally sounds like breathing, like the inhale and exhale of our very breaths, of the air that literally sustains our lives.

YHVH. (You're saying it, right?)

Ya-way....whisper it.

So here I am in the kitchen paying close attention now that YHVH has come so suddenly to my heart and I remembered all of this learning about His name on our breath. I took it as a nudge to get into my studio. I thought I was supposed to study or create in some way, but almost as soon as I sat down, it hit me...


And as I reached for the canvas I heard, "Ruah" - which is a Hebrew name for the Holy Spirit and literally means, "spirit, breath, air." The very name of God makes the sound by which His spirit is named...the very piece I felt the pull to work on was to create with my favorite tool of surrender, which to me resembles "the breath of God."

So I arrived here to a finally-complete, fully surrendered piece of art for my friend through an incredibly anointed, spirit filled time of of creative worship. I cried and I prayed. 

But for you, I need to share the truths that came to me that day as I created because God spoke so very much...

  • He is as close as the breath on your lips. His very name speaks this truth and every breath we breathe speaks His name. 
  • He is infinitely powerful. None of this is a surprise to Him, no matter what "this" is. 
  • He wants our attention, He is speaking. He wants our hearts, He is leading us. All He needs from us is our attention, our hearts, our trust, our surrender. Stop trying to control everything and please don't get fearful when things seem "out of control." When fear tries to step in, simply speak His name.
  • He is everywhere - in us and around us, behind and before us. 
  • He is life-giving and has no end. He breathed our very life into us. 

He is with you, my friend. Just breathe. 



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